In August FPA submitted a response to the government’s consultation on how to allocate funding for District Heating projects. District Heating, where customers get heat from a central source – which can be fossil fuel, waste heat, or renewable – is being rolled out nationally. It has great potential to save on carbon emissions, and also bring down bills, but it is often being installed and run in a way that is actually bad for both the climate and its customers, who are locked into long term contracts with no regulation and no way to switch.
Our response to the consultation is based on the experience of Myatts Field North estate in South London. Following its submission, FPA and representatives from Myatts Field were invited to meet the heat networks team at the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). They seemed to take seriously our concern that if not run properly district heating could become as toxic as fracking, and that problems on existing heat networks need to be dealt with. You can download our submission here.
If you have experience of District Heating (or a “Heat Network”), good or bad, FPA would be glad to hear from you.
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