Join us for the 2020 AGM of Fuel Poverty Action
Annual General Meeting – 6.45 for 7pm Thursday 10 September 2020
RSVP – It is essential to let us know you’re coming, as we will then send you the link and details for zoom (
Following AGM business* (6.45) and a report of the year’s activities, this AGM will focus on plans for the coming winter and the hard times ahead
bearing in mind how the pandemic, climate change, and increasing poverty and austerity are affecting first and hardest those who already have least: those of us who are Black or Minority Ethnic, low waged, unwaged, pensioners, disabled, children and young people, on benefits, migrants, or in poor housing.
We are delighted to provide a platform for three guest speakers:
Mónica Guiteras from APE, the Alliance against Energy Poverty, Catalonia which has been exceptionally successful in holding energy suppliers to account will speak about how they have done it, using the combined power of people who can’t pay their bills, joining with climate and housing activists.
Graeme Langton, campaigning resident from a tower block in Salford which is just now having Grenfell-style cladding removed. Residents are facing a winter without insulation and with heat pumps that they can’t afford to use.
Murat Kaya, Southwark leaseholder who recently won his case against the council which wanted him to pay for a new district heating boiler that never worked.
Discussion to include ‘How can we…?’:
- Accelerate the home retrofits needed to keep us warm (and cool) enough, keep bills down, and slow the rush towards a transformed climate
- Access the energy we need to stay healthy
- Ensure that insulation and heating systems, in both new and old homes, are non-flammable, non-toxic, well-designed/installed/maintained, good for the climate, and suitable for our homes and for us as residents
- Protect residents who are left without insulation following removal of cladding, or whose heating systems keep breaking down
- Spread the word about what we’re entitled to and how to access help and insist on rights
- Stop gas and electricity disconnections, district heating outages, and hungry prepayment meters. No more hungry children
At 8 pm, we invite you to get together with others who share your heating, housing, and affordability issues in smaller groups. We will then come back together and finish by 8.30.
Fuel Poverty Action welcomes new members, and people who want to work with us in other ways. Come along and raise your own issues, find out what’s happening, and consider how you might be part of it.
If you want help in getting to grips with zoom, please let us know well in advance and we will help you.
* The AGM business section, for FPA’s voting members, will include a financial report and election of Directors. Members may appoint a proxy under section 324 of the Companies Act 2006 and article 22.