Warm Homes Discount

Warm Homes Discount
If you’re on benefits and/or on a low income you might be entitled to £140 off your electricity bill this winter.
Unless you automatically receive the benefit, you will need to APPLY for the discount. To find out if you’re eligible for the discount find your supplier below read their requirements for the discount.
You need to apply by 31st December 2014.
It can be very confusing to even understand whether you’re entitled to the discount. If you’re confused, get in touch: [email protected] and we can support you to find out if you are entitled to the discount. If you’re not with the Big Six, see if your energy company uses the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme/eligibility
[toggle title=”British Gas” state=”closed”]
British Gas
You may qualify for this energy discount if on 12 July 2014 (the qualifying date) you are the named account holder or partner and:

  • Receive only the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit (without receiving the Savings Credit) OR
  • Receive the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit as well as the Savings Credit.

To find out more about the eligibility criteria, please visit this page:
Broader group
Who is eligible?
In order to qualify for the Warm Home Discount you (account holder or partner) are required to meet the following criteria:

  • In receipt of the Savings or Guarantee & Savings element of the State Pension Credit (unless already qualifying as part of Core Group).


  • In receipt of one of the following means tested eligible benefits:[1]
  1. Income Support.
  2. Income based Jobseekers’ Allowance.
  3. Income related employment and support allowance (which includes a work related activity or support component).
  4. Universal Credit (low income elements).

And includes one of the following:

  1. Child element for children aged 5 or under.
  2. Disabled child element.


  • Customer has a gross annual house hold income (HHI) of less than £16,010[2] and the account holder is living with mental or physical disability or illness,or there is vulnerability within the home (children living in the house aged 5 or under) or of pensionable age.


  • Customer has a gross annual house hold income (HHI) of less than £16,010[2] and spend 10% or more of household income on energy bills to heat the property.

Think you fit the criteria? Apply here: http://www.britishgas.co.uk/products-and-services/gas-and-electricity/the-warm-home-discount.html
[toggle title=”EDF Energy“]
EDF Energy

Find the income-related benefit that applies to you and see if you fulfil the criteria
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

  1. You have a child under the age of five who lives with you, or
  2. Disability Living Allowance for a child who lives with you, or
  3. You, or another adult living with you, receive any one of the following additions to Income-related Employment and Support Allowance;
  • A work-related activity or support group component
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
  • Long-term Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance

Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

  1. You have a child under the age of five who lives with you, or
  2. Disability Living Allowance for a child who lives with you, or
  3. You, or another adult living with you, receive any one of the following additions to Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance;
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
  • Long-term Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance

Income Support and one of the following

  1. You have a child under the age of five who lives with you, or
  2. Disability Living Allowance for a child who lives with you, or
  3. You, or another adult living with you, receive any one of the following additions to Income Support:
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
  • Long-term Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance

Working Tax Credit and household income
If you receive Working Tax Credit and you have a household income of £16,010 or less and…

  • You have a child under the age of five who lives with you, or
  • You’re in receipt of a disabled worker element or severe disability element or
  • You’re aged 62 years or over

State Pension Credit – Savings Credit only*
*If you receive Pension Credit, you will AUTOMATICALLY qualify for the Warm Home Discount rebate if, on 12 July 2014 (the qualifying date), you either:

  • Receive the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit only, or
  • Are aged 65 and over and receive both the Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit elements of Pension Credit

If this applies, you SHOULD NOT APPLY for Support Plus.
Child Tax Credits and income
You receive Child Tax Credits and have a household income of £16,010 or less
Think you are eligible for the discount? Apply here:http://www.edfenergy.com/for-home/help-support/warm-home-discount
[toggle title=”E.On“]


To be eligible for a discount:

  • You must receive one of the benefit combinations listed below (we may need to ask you to provide evidence of this). Unfortunately, if you don’t receive all the benefits listed in the combination or you don’t receive any benefits at all we won’t be able to offer you a discount.
  • You/your partner must be an E.ON electricity account holder (we may need to ask you to provide evidence of this partnership).
  • Your electricity must be supplied by E.ON when you apply for the Warm Home Discount and also when we award the discount. If you switch electricity supplier before your discount is applied, unfortunately you will lose your entitlement to it.

To make it easier to check if you’re eligible, we’ve split the benefits into different sections depending on your circumstances.
Benefit combinations
Must select one from section A and one from section B to qualify;

Not receiving the Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit In receipt of the Savings Element of Pension Credit only
In receipt of Council Tax Reduction and over the age of 62

Child Tax Credit with a relevant income of £16,190 or less
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Income Support AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Working Tax Credit (WTC) with an income of less than £16,190 AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Pregnant or Medical Condition
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance AND Maternity Exemption Certificate (MATEX) OR medical exemption certificate (MEDEX)
Income Support AND Maternity Exemption Certificate (MATEX) OR medical exemption certificate (MEDEX)
Working Tax Credit (WTC) with an income of less than £16,190 AND Maternity Exemption Certificate (MATEX) OR medical exemption certificate (MEDEX)
Apply here: https://www.eonenergy.com/for-your-home/saving-energy/need-little-extra-help/warm-home-discount/warm-home-discount-form
[toggle title=”npower“]


npower customers are eligible for the Broader Group Warm Home Discount if they are in receipt of any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Or Your gross annual household income is less than £16,190

Who also have any of following:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or sever disability premium
  • Disability Living Allowance (For an adult or child within the household) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • Long term Incapacity Benefit
  • In addition if anyone has Child Tax Credit that includes a disability or severe disability element, a child under five living with them, or a disabled child premium – However it is likely they are also already in receipt of Child Tax Credit

To apply for the Broader Group Warm Home Discount you will be required to provide a declaration that you meet the eligibility criteria of the scheme, and to continue receiving the discount on an annual basis will be required to provide further declarations.
You may be required to provide further written documentary evidence of eligibility before receiving a rebate in any scheme year.
To apply please call 0808 172 6999 or apply online.
[toggle title=”Scottish Power“]

Scottish Power

Broader Group Customers

Under the Warm Home Discount Rebate scheme, electricity suppliers can offer the Warm Home Discount rebate to households who meet certain eligibility criteria set by their supplier.
If you are a ScottishPower domestic electricity customer and someone in your household meets the ScottishPower Warm Home Discount Broader group eligibility criteria, that person can apply by completing our online Warm Home Discount Broader Group Application Form (even if they are not the named account holder).
To qualify for the ScottishPower Warm Home Discount Broader Group Rebate you must receive at least one of the following benefits or the Universal Credit equivalent:

  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance

or, if the following statement applies you may also qualify

  • Your total gross household income is less than £16,190

In addition to the above you must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have a child who was under 5 on the 1st of April 2014 permanently living in the house (born on or after 1 April 2009)
  • Have a child entitled to free school meals
  • Receive Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit which includes a disability element or severe disability element, disabled child element or severely disabled child element or family element
  • Income Related Benefit which includes a disabled child premium, disability premium, severe disability premium or enhanced disability premium
  • Income Related Benefit which includes a Carers Premium
  • Employment Support Allowance which includes a Work Related or Activity Component or Support Component
  • Receive Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Incapacity Benefit or Attendance Allowance
  • Be aged 62 or over
  • Receives exemption from NHS prescription charges

Please note if you change supplier between applying for the ScottishPower Warm Home Discount Broader Group Rebate and the rebate being paid you will no longer be eligible for a rebate under the ScottishPower Warm Home Discount Scheme. Applications must be received by 31 December 2014 or such other date notified by ScottishPower.
[toggle title=”SSE“]
1) I receive Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, or income-related Employment and Support Allowance AND one of the following statements applies to me:

  • I have a child living with me who was born on or after 01 April 2009
  • I receive Disability Living Allowance on behalf of a child living with me

I have a child living with me who receives free school meals who was born on of before 01 April 2006
I receive Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) AND I have an income of £16,192 or less AND the child was born on or after 01 April 2006.

  1. Chronically sick and/or disabled people

I receive Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance AND either Housing or Council Tax benefit OR
I receive Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, or income-related Employment and Support Allowance AND one of the following statements applies to me:

  • I have a child living with me who was born on or after 01 April 2009
  • I receive Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance
  • I receive Disability Living Allowance / or I receive Disability Living Allowance on behalf of a child living with me who was born on or after 01 April 1995
  • I receive War Disablement Pension
  • I receive Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • I receive an additional payment (such as the work-related activity group or support component of Employment and Support Allowance) because I am sick or disabled.
  1. Pensioners

Do you receive any pension-related benefits?

  • I receive the Savings element of Pension Credit only

If you think you apply: http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/ExtraHelp/PriorityPlan/