Fuel Poverty Action are a grassroots campaign made up of people fed up with mammoth fuel bills, cold homes and climate crisis. We need you to get involved!
At the moment, Fuel Poverty Action is primarily based in London. Our London group meets on a regular fortnightly basis. All are welcome at our meetings. If you’re interested in attending, contact us using the details below.
Our group is directed by the collective decisions made by all members of the group, meaning that we’re driven by the ideas and passions of everyone. We aim to minimise hierarchies in our organising and don’t have leader figures.
We’re in contact with other groups throughout the UK organising on fuel poverty, such as Tidal in Leeds, Manchester Climate Action and Edinburgh Affordable Energy Campaign. Get in touch with these groups if you’re looking to organise in these areas. If you’re interested in setting up a new local group where you live, email fuelpovertyaction@gmail.com and we can offer advice and support.
We’ve recently begun a community organising project in Haringey. The aim is to find out what Haringey residents think about rising fuel bills and what action they’d like to take, with a view to supporting collective community-led action. If you like, you’re welcome to get involved with this project without coming to our regular group meetings. Get in touch to let us know you’re interested.
Finally, we’re always in need of more funds to cover the costs of our campaigning. Please consider offering a donation if you can. To find out how, click here.
Contact us
Email: fuelpovertyaction@gmail.com
Tel: 07586 482 157
Twitter: @FuelPovAction