Research reports
Holding feet to the fire: Peabody tenants confront unaccountable heating and housing management – April 2021

In our second major study of crises with district heating, FPA has prepared a Dossier which brings out in the open the sense of impunity, the buck-passing, and the dazzling incompetence that have made “home” a place of nightmares for tenants of a social landlord. It details tenants’ battle for affordable heat and accountability and how they managed to win a reduction of their tariff by one half. It also explores the complexities of district heating pricing and the position of social housing tenants on a private, mostly leaseholder, estate.
The dossier has been prepared by Fuel Poverty Action, in close consultation with tenants of Peabody housing association, on Phoenix Works development, Tower Hamlets.
With district heating (“heat networks”) and housing developments like this one becoming more and more common, the new Dossier serves as a warning, a guide to needed changes, and a handbook for action for the growing number of residents affected by unaccountable heating and housing systems.
The dossier includes excerpts from emails in which tenants and managers each put their case in their own words.
The first section gives an overview of the issues and the ongoing battle, and how these relate to the legislation of heat networks expected in 2022.
You can read the full report below – to view in full screen you might find it easier to download the PDF by clicking here here.
Peabody tenants confront unaccountable heating and housing management‘Not Fit for Purpose’ – District Heating in Myatts Field – April 2017
Residents’ Experiences of E.ON’s District Heating System on the Myatts Field North Estate and Oval Quarter development in Lambeth
Now residents are challenging E.ON to overhaul the whole system, accept a review of its pricing and provide proper compensation for four years of misery.
Read our initial press release here and download the report below:
‘Not Fit for Purpose’ – Executive Summary
‘Not Fit for Purpose’ – Full Report
Fuel Poverty Action briefing: Cladding – A national emergency – 5 March 2018
See below for our report on the state of cladding and insulation in the UK. You can also download the PDF file here. We’ve also published other resources on cladding from around the web on our resources page.
Fuel Poverty Action briefing: Cladding - A national emergency